City of Sierra Vista, AZ
The Streets groups are funded primarily by the Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) and are responsible for maintaining the pavement on all public streets, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street drainage systems, public drainage ways, separated multi-use paths, mowing of public street rights-of-way, traffic control signs, streetlights, traffic signals, pavement striping, and special markings.
Vegetation Along Roadways and Washes
Keeping brush and trees trimmed throughout Sierra Vista is a constant—but important—job. By keeping things trimmed along roadways, the Streets department helps to roadway hazards. And by keeping washes and detention basins maintained, water more easily flows to the waste water treatment facility instead of overflowing into public and private lands and roads.
If you see an area where the brush or tree limbs may cause a traffic problem or other hazard, please call (520) 458-5775 or complete the Report a Problem online form.
Streetlights and Sidewalks
Most street lights in the public right of way, including those in residential neighborhoods, are owned and maintained by the local electric company, SSVEC. If you see a street light that is burned out or not working properly, please call (520) 458-5775 or complete the Report a Problem online form.
Many areas of Sierra Vista were constructed before the current development standards were in place, or they were developed under the less-stringent Cochise County standards before becoming annexed into the City. Sidewalks are expensive to develop, so new sidewalks are installed in existing neighborhoods when grant funds are available. When funds are available, installation is focused where they will make the most impact, such as high pedestrian volume areas and short sections to connect existing sidewalks.
Homeowners wishing to install a sidewalk on, or streetlight adjacent to, their property can do so using private funding after obtaining a Right of Way Permit from the City. (Completed permit applications can be submitted by email to If a majority of residents in the neighborhood are interested in installing similar improvements, the City may be able to help by establishing a Local Improvement District (LID). With a LID, residents are still responsible for the cost of improvements, but the City may be able to help with financing. For more information on the LID process, call (520) 458-5775.
Please see Draining Your Pool for processes and permit information about draining a water feature such as a pool, spa, or fountain, into the street or gutter, or just download the Pool/Spa Drain Permit Application.
Streets and Pathway Maintenance
The City maintains a pavement inventory of all City-owned streets and pathways. The inventory contains important information about the condition of the pavement structure and any specific problems like “alligator” cracking, block cracking, potholes, and patching. This inventory is used to prioritize maintenance for the best use of limited funds. Although the City tries to address the streets most in need first, other factors taken into consideration are the volume of traffic and location. It is more cost effective to maintain several streets within a neighborhood instead of jumping from location to location. See a list of upcoming streets maintenance projects.
Although the City routinely inspects all streets and pathways, the public’s help is appreciated. To report a pothole, damaged street or pathway, or any other problem that you think needs immediate attention, please call (520) 458-5775 or complete the Report a Problem online form.
Urgent problems that pose a danger to public safety are addressed separately from the annual maintenance program and will be resolved as soon as feasible.
Street Signs & Traffic Signals
The City maintains most of the street signs and traffic signals in Sierra Vista, including regulatory signs (red and white), warning signs (yellow), street name signs (green), and directional signs (blue or brown).
Traffic signals along the state highways (SR 90, SR 92, and SR 90 Bypass) are owned and maintained by the Arizona Department of Transportation. The City has an agreement with ADOT to perform emergency maintenance, but has no control over timing or placement of them.
Traffic and pedestrian signals located on Fort Huachuca are owned by the Fort, but maintained by the City.
Traffic signals are designed to flash if they detect an operating problem. In the City of Sierra Vista, the signals will flash red in all directions, which should be treated as an all-way stop.
If you see a malfunctioning signal, or have concerns, please call the Public Works Department at (520) 458-5775 between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you need to report a traffic signal malfunction outside of working hours, call the Streets standby number, (520) 227-4867.
A signal that has no light in any direction has lost power due to an electrical outage. Navigate dark signals with extreme caution until a police officer arrives to direct traffic.
If you see a dark signal, call the Sierra Vista Police Department at (520) 452-7500.
To report a missing street sign or other concern, call (520) 458-5775 or complete the Report a Problem online form.
Drainage Way Maintenance
Maintenance of drainage ways is a balancing act of preserving the natural features to the greatest extent practicable while also ensuring that public areas are clean, safe, and well maintained. Natural drainage ways have many positive benefits including wildlife habitat and connectivity, recreational opportunities, enhanced storm water control and recharge, and aesthetics. However, maintenance is also required to remove dead brush and trash which could obstruct the wash and poses a fire hazard.