City of Sierra Vista, AZ
Opportunity & Foreign Trade Zone
Opportunity Zone
In 2018, the U.S. Department of the Treasury certified approximately 24 acres (census tract 04003001702) as an Opportunity Zone, which abuts the City of Sierra Vista city limits. Along with the Opportunity Zone designation comes some attractive business incentives, including a reduction in capital gains on investments held for five years or longer. Visit the Arizona Commerce Authority website to learn more about Arizona's specific incentives, rules, and standards.
Foreign Trade Zone
An asset to economic growth, the local Foreign Trade Zone includes nearly half of Cochise County.
Companies seeking to maintain and expand their operations in the United States may benefit from tariff and fee reductions, expedited transportation of goods through the Port of Entry, and a reduction in state, real, and personal property taxes. Please direct FTZ inquires to the AREDF.