Kids Taught "Values" Handling Sharp Knives

Brown Bag Lecture Series Fall 2023

In several Norwegian fishing villages, a particular custom persists on an island archipelago above the Artic Circle. You will witness Norway's remote Lofoten Islands with Distinctive scenery, dramatic mountains, open sea, and sheltered bays. Here, the young ones are eager to partake in the strange tradition of handling the local delicacy while monetizing their surgical handy work. When the fishing season is at its peak, young children are charged with a specific job. They approach their task with sharp knives and giant spikes. This is all about inculcating young children with the principles of entrepreneurial values and ethics they can employ throughout their adult lifetime. Don't miss discovering how Norge parents and commercial businesses among several villages accomplish this feat dictated by the region's traditions. Be sure to bring a fish sandwich to the Brown Bag!

For more information visit or call (520) 515-5492.

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